Giti Environmental Protection & Conservation Projects | Giti Tire

Natural Environment

(SDG 13, 14, 15)

With the worrying social and environmental impacts of climate change, resource depletion and biodiversity loss becoming more pronounced, The Giti Group has established a framework to address these challenges within its operations that allow continued contribution to the larger community. Giti Tire strives to be an environmentally sustainable company by way of its guiding principles which are focused on its Environmental Policies, Health and Safety Policies and its Quality Policy.

Giti also promotes its Environmental Protections Focus Areas such as Green Energy, Flue-Gas Desulfurization (FGD), Water Recycling and Green Certifications. Giti’s own Advanztech utilises state of the art equipment and high technologies to bring reality forward-thinking innovative ideas that help to sustain the environment and promote green production.

Giti constantly cooperates with renowned organizations to promote an ecological environment. For many years, Giti has worked with Conservation International by conducting a protection program to preserve the rainforest in Sumatra, Indonesia and the southwestern mountains of China. It has helped purify carbon emissions that are equivalent to what was produced by Giti in 100 years. In addition to that, CI and Giti are cooperating in fresh and seawater protection, reforestation, planting and prevention of zoonotic diseases.

Giti’s Shark Tracking Project with Conservation International Includes
World’s Largest Fish

Giti Tire is proud to be a longstanding partner of Conservation International (CI), which promotes environmental protection and support measures in Asia and around the world. Part of Giti’s partnership with the organization has including six years of support for the CI’s shark tagging and preservation efforts.

Recently, Conservation International has expanded their efforts to expand the technology further, offering the ability to track its tagged fish online in real-time, including the world's largest fish, satellite-tagged in eastern Indonesia. In addition, Giti has its own 4.75 meter shark named after the company, which is showcased and also able to be tracked on CI’s website.

An estimated 70 million sharks are killed each year for shark fin soup and other uses. The depleted shark population spells serious trouble for marine ecosystems that many species, including man, depend on for survival.

Giti Tire is proud to join Conservation International in their efforts to protect marine life and other environmental causes through educational and financial support. Through these initiatives, wildlife can be studied and protected in the more efficient and beneficial ways.

Supporting Wildlife and Locals in Remote China Region, Helping Enable World Heritage Classification

On July 7th, 2017, Hoh Xil in Qinghai, China succeeded in its application for World Heritage with support from Giti Tire.

It became the World Natural Heritages site with the largest area in China. In May, 2017, the season when Tibetan antelopes migrated in herd, Giti led 14 volunteers from all walks of life and various regions of the country to trek into the wilderness, exploring real living conditions of Tibetan antelopes, showing care for rangers, to public welfare activities to protect ecological equilibrium and for the application of World Heritage by Hoh Xil.