Community Projects | Giti Tire

Here are the Partnerships and Projects that Giti partners with.



As part of the United Nations, the UNGC is a highly respected and important global business agreement, that requires a CEO and company commitment to adhering to the Ten Principles of the United Nations, including human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.

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Conservation International

Conservation International

Giti Tire is a long-time partner and supporter of Conservation International in its environmental efforts and projects. Through cutting-edge science, innovative policy and global reach, Conservation International works to protect the nature that we rely on for food, fresh water and livelihoods.

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Giti Tire is proud to be a member of GPSNR (Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber), a leading global organization dedicated to maintaining a fair, equitable, and environmentally sound natural rubber value chain.

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P4G (Partnering For Green Growth and Global Goals) is a network of global leaders and innovators seeking breakthrough solutions for green economic growth, bringing together nations, groups, and businesses with a shared passion.

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Giti is a member of USTMA, the leading national trade association for tire manufacturers that make tires in the US – and among the most vital and recognized tire industry organizations in the world.

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BMW Berlin Marathon

BMW Berlin Marathon

The BMW Berlin Marathon is one of the world’s largest and most popular marathon events, including elite level road running competitions for men and women, a race for the public, an inline skating race, a wheelchair race, and others. The organization is dedicated to sustainability and encouraging health and exercisena aliqua.

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UNGC (United Nations Global Compact)

As part of the United Nations, the UNGC is a highly respected and important global business agreement, that requires a CEO and company commitment to adhering to the Ten Principles of the United Nations, including human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. Giti is proud to join this exclusive and important compact in 2021, and continue to grow with it through an annual Communication on Progress, as well as other commitments.

Together with Giti’s recent acceptance as a member of GPSNR (Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber), this commitment and others separate Giti Tire among industry peers as one that has an extensive focus on social responsibility principles. In fact, this direction is not new, as Giti has for decades had a very strong involvement in conservation and CSR initiatives – particularly in the areas of environment support, education, and sustainable production. However, these new commitments are a part of the company’s expanding efforts in 2021 to take its sustainability programs to new level.

The following are the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact:

Human Rights
  • Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
  • Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
  • Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges:
  • Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility, and
  • Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining:
  • Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  • Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour, and
  • Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
  • Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining:
  • Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
  • Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour, and
  • Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

Further details about the United Nations Global Compact can be seen on their website here: Meanwhile, more about Giti Tire’s sustainability and CSR efforts can be found at


Conservation International

Giti Tire is a long-time partner and supporter of Conservation International in its environmental efforts and projects. Through cutting-edge science, innovative policy and global reach, Conservation International works to protect the nature that we rely on for food, fresh water and livelihoods. Giti has contributed extensively towards CI projects, including for rainforest and ocean wildlife support efforts.

Giti Tire is proud to be a longstanding partner of Conservation International (CI), which promotes environmental protection and support measures in Asia and around the world. Part of Giti’s partnership with the organization has including six years of support for the CI’s shark tagging and preservation efforts. Recently, Conservation International has expanded their efforts to expand the technology further, offering the ability to track its tagged fish online in real-time, including the world's largest fish, satellite-tagged in eastern Indonesia. In addition, Giti has its own 4.75 meter shark named after the company, which is showcased and also able to be tracked on CI’s

An estimated 70 million sharks are killed each year for shark fin soup and other uses. The depleted shark population spells serious trouble for marine ecosystems that many species, including man, depend on for survival. Giti Tire is proud to join Conservation International in their efforts to protect marine life and other environmental causes through educational and financial support. Through these initiatives, wildlife can be studied and protected in the more efficient and beneficial ways.


GPSNR (Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber)

Giti Tire is proud to be a member of GPSNR (Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber), a leading global organization dedicated to maintaining a fair, equitable, and environmentally sound natural rubber value chain. As tires directly relate to the environment, a focus on improving the process of rubber creation, procurement, and supply is very important to reducing societal impact and creating positive offsetting solutions for the industry.

Becoming a member of GPSNR puts Giti in elite company together with top tire manufacturers, as well as auto companies including BMW, General Motors, Ford, Toyota, and Volkswagen. All member companies of GPSNR are work towards a sharing responsibility towards positive actions for the benefit of the natural rubber supply chain’s social, environmental, and economic sustainability. The organization bases its efforts in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly for the focus goals of No Poverty, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, and Life on Land. More information about GPSNR and their goals can be found on their website

Giti’s membership in GPSNR is part of the company’s ongoing improvement of its CSR program – which includes its efforts on being a leader in supporting green manufacturing, procurement, environmental protection, education, and other sustainable initiatives that support global and local communities. You can learn more about Giti’s environmental and other sustainable efforts at


P4G (Partnering For Green Growth and Global Goals)

P4G (Partnering For Green Growth and Global Goals) is a network of global leaders and innovators seeking breakthrough solutions for green economic growth, bringing together nations, groups, and businesses with a shared passion. The organization focuses on providing results that address key global issues in five areas: Food and Agriculture, Water, Energy, Cities and Circular Economy. Giti has been a partner of the organization since 2020.

Joining together with leaders from 12 major countries and organizations such as the World Economic Forum, Giti is one of the business partners for P4G’s sustainable business efforts. Giti Group’s Ms. Cherie Nursalim has also been selected to serve as a member of P4G’s Board of Directors.

As part of these efforts, Giti commits to its continued focus on socially responsible manufacturing, positive environmental engagement, and being a beneficial global education partner. In recent years, Giti has demonstrated these commitments in a definable way, through its community and environmental financial support, involvement with organizations such as Conservation International, and reduction of water and coal partnerships. In addition, the Giti Group has worked closely with education partners around the world – from local elementary schools to world leading universities.

With regards to the success of P4G, the commitments of its partners are of the upmost importance. “We are grateful that so many dynamic collaborators and investors have already joined the P4G ecosystem. This is only the beginning of our collective ability to deliver as we continue to increase the speed and scale of our global impact,” commented Ian de Cruz, Global Director for P4G.

More information about P4G’s efforts in benefiting the global community and a sustainable future can be found on its website A summary of Giti’s corporate social responsibilities can also be found at


USTMA (U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association)

Giti is a member of USTMA, the leading national trade association for tire manufacturers that make tires in the US – and among the most vital and recognized tire industry organizations in the world. As part of this partnership, Giti engages with the organization and promotes positive relations relating to the industry and related sustainability and safety efforts, such as the organization’s Tire Safety Week – as well as other actions.

Safety is at the forefront of Giti Tire's focus - and encomposses all areas of tire research, development, testing, production and quality control. In particular, Giti has expanded its investment into its in-house AdvanZtech technology program, utilizing its five global R&D and testing centers to integrate the most modern technical advancements into its products. In addition, the company provides frequent website, social media, and video guidance on tire use and safety tips, as well as tools to help support.

Therefore, the mission of Giti is aligned with that of USTMA, of which Giti Tire is one of only 13 member tire companies in the world. “As we continue to navigate a new world impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, tire manufacturers continue to create the smartest and most sustainable technologies that put the safest tires on the road,” said Anne Forristall Luke, president and CEO of USTMA. “National Tire Safety week is an initiative that educates drivers about the critical role they play in maintaining tire safety and ensures they have the information they need to successfully prioritize safety on the road.”

As drivers begin getting back on the road after frequent vehicle downtime, now is the perfect time to get to a local auto care shop to check their vehicle and tires. During this period, there is a likelyhood that tire pressure or wear has been affected, and it may be the right time for a tire rotation or replacement. For specific reconmendations from Giti about tires on cars that have been parked for a long time, please see our article about the subject here.

Below are some tips from USTMA in regards to tire safety that it is focusing on this week. In addition, more can be found on the Giti Tire Knowledge page, as well as the company's Facebook and Instagram social media pages.

  • An under-inflated tire can lead to tire failure. Check inflation pressure at least once a month and before long road trips.
  • Tire inflation pressure changes depending on the weather. It can increase in warm weather and decrease in cool weather: 0.4 - 1kg (1-2 pounds) for every 10 degrees ferenheit of temperature change.
  • A vehicle’s Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) can help drivers detect loss of inflation pressure. Federal regulations require TPMS to warn drivers when tires are 25% under inflated. For many vehicles, this is too late to prevent damage to your tires and should not replace checking your tires monthly.
  • Have your alignment checked periodically as specified by the vehicle owner’s manual to ensure your tires do not wear unevenly or rapidly.
  • Always refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for rotation recommendations. If no rotation period is specified, tires should be rotated approximately every 8,000 – 12,000 kilometers (5,000 - 8,000 miles).
  • Worn-out tires are 3 times more likely to be involved in a crash than tires with sufficient tread depth, according to NHTSA.

BMW Berlin Marathon

The BMW Berlin Marathon is one of the world’s largest and most popular marathon events, including elite level road running competitions for men and women, a race for the public, an inline skating race, a wheelchair race, and others. The organization is dedicated to sustainability and encouraging health and exercise, and Giti is proud to be a leading partner and sponsor with high visibility at the annual event.

A proud symbol of decades-long separation and the invincible urge for freedom that eventually re-united Germany, Berlin is a city steeped in history. It is also a city where legends are born.

From 26-29th September 2019, almost 30 years after the Berlin Wall fell, the German capital will play host to the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON. Featuring great sports and top endurance runners from all over the world the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON is part of the “Abbott World Marathon Majors” which also encompasses similar events in Tokyo, Boston, London, Chicago and New York City.

Sporty tires, high mileage: That's what Giti tires stand for. Capitalizing on power and tire technology, Giti's Audi R8 duo placed #1/#2 in the SP8 class at the 24 Hours Nürburgring in June, while the company's all-female “Girls only” motorsport team has also already had several successes this year. Now as one of the main sponsors of the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON alongside sports shoe manufacturer Adidas, Giti continues its commitment to competitive sports and endurance.

Over a million spectators and thousands of starters, including top athletes from all over the world, are expected to take part in Germany’s biggest marathon. The clear presence of Giti Tire at this event is heralded by banners on the track and at nearby venues, including the MARATHON EXPO, the Hot Spot at kilometer 35 on the Kurfürstendamm, and at the Start-Finish area.

“Be a Berlin Legend!” Tens of thousands of starters, among them top athletes from all over the world, are expected to take part in Germany's biggest marathon. Amateur and professional athletes alike all want to be a Berlin legend.

“Legends are born in Berlin: from Kennedy to Kipchoge. Anyone who has run on this track and experienced the atmosphere here is guaranteed to return,” says Christian Jost, one of the two managing directors of SCC EVENTS GmbH.

Defending champion and course record holder, Gladys Cherono will face a strong challenge from Ethiopia in the most spectacular German race over 42,195 kilometers. Both Gladys Cherono and Mare Dibaba have already won high-profile races in the Abbott World Marathon Majors, while Mare Dibaba won bronze at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. Whatever the final outcome a thrilling race is guaranteed.